
persia.launcher is a module that provides the functionality to help user launch the PERSIA service. A command line interface persia-launcher is installed automatically when you install PERSIA. You can launch the PERSIA modules data-loader, nn-worker, embedding-worker, and embedding-parameter-server by invoking the subcommand from persia-launcher.

persia-launcher --help


python3 -m persia.launcher --help

NN Worker And Data Loader

If you want to launch the nn-worker and data-loader, you can use:

# Launch the nn-worker
persia-launcher nn-worker --nproc-per-node 1 --node-rank 0 --nnodes 1

# Launch the data-loader
persia-launcher data-loader --replica-size 1 --replica-index 0

Embedding Worker And Embedding Parameter Server

To launch the embedding-worker and embedding-parameter-server, you can use:

# Launch the embedding-worker
persia-launcher embedding-worker \
    --global-config global_config.yml \
    --embedding-config embedding_config.yml \
    --replica-index 0 --replica-size 1

# Launch the embedding-parameter-server
persia-launcher embedding-parameter-server\
    --global-config global_config.yml \
    --embedding-config embedding_config.yml \
    --replica-index 0 --replica-size 1

Arguments from Environment Variables

Some arguments will fallback to the environment variable if the arguments are not provided when running the persia-launcher. It is useful to control the environment when you deploy the PERSIA job in container management tool.

For nn-worker, you can export the environment variable PERSIA_NN_WORKER_ENTRY to avoid passing the filepath argument when launching the nn-worker. And the environment variable PERSIA_DATALOADER_ENTRY is for data-loader.


# Launch the data_load
persia-launcher data-loader --replica-index 0 --replica-size 1


# Launch the nn-worker
persia-launcher nn-worker --nproc-per-node 1 --node-rank 0 --nnodes 1

For embedding-worker and embedding-parameter-server, you can export the environment variable PERSIA_EMBEDDING_CONFIG and PERSIA_GLOBAL_CONFIG to avoid passing the config filepath to cli command.

export PERSIA_EMBEDDING_CONFIG=embedding_config.yml
export PERSIA_GLOBAL_CONFIG=global_config.yml

# Launch the embedding-worker
persia-launcher embedding-worker \
    --replica-index 0 --replica-size 1

# Launch the embedding-parameter-server
persia-launcher embedding-parameter-server \
    --replica-index 0 --replica-size 1